Impact Nations

sponsor a bus







Many Christians have been devastated by what is happening in Afghanistan and Pakistan. There is uproar as we watch our government turn its back while innocent lives are being taken for their faith in Jesus Christ. Impact Nations Global and Eternal Life Ministries are putting boots on the ground with Full gospel crusades in Pakistan and at the border of Afghanistan. We want to show them that Jesus Christ is alive! We expect to have several hundred thousand in attendance from all backgrounds – Catholic, Muslim, even Taliban and those in the middle of every belief.

We are asking you to stand with us and help us bring Jesus to the darkest areas in the world. We’ll go in the pits if you hold on to the ropes!

Consider sponsoring one, ten, even twenty or more buses. That’s 100’s if not 1000’s of souls! You can sponsor as many buses as you would like. 100% of donations goes directly towards getting people to the crusades.

The cost for each bus to bring people in from villages near and far is around $100 USD and fits upwards of 100 people per bus.

Get in the fight with us! Help us win souls and more! Sponsor a bus today!

Our Founders

The Battles Family

Jeffrey Battles and his wife Tiffany, along with their son’s Jonathon and Zion and daughter Tatiana are the founders and Executive Directors of Impact Nations Global ministry.

After years as a successful entrepreneur, Jeffrey knew his call to the nations could not wait another year. In 2018 he began traveling throughout the world preaching the Gospel throughout Africa and the Middle East.

Since then, they have built orphanages in multiple countries and every day they continue to fight to help just one more.

As trafficking and slavery of children is elevating across the world, Team Impact has gone on the offense to defend, rescue and house many children globally to let them know that God has not forgotten them.

Our Beginning

How Impact Nations Began

On one of our missions overseas, we experienced one of the villages completely flooded by excessive rains. Children were standing there in inches of rain with their bare feet in 45-degree weather, no coats, and no hats. The hardest part was walking away not having enough in the budget to assist in this unexpected bout of weather. There are two types of people – One who says, “we can’t help everyone, we did the best we could” and justify walking away and the others who say, “this is not acceptable, and what can I do to help just one more.”

In Matthew 25, Jesus says, “I was hungry and you didn’t feed me, I was thirsty and you didn’t give me drink, I was naked and you clothed me not, I was sick and in prison but you never visited me.” They asked Jesus “but when did we fail to do these things to you?” Jesus replied, “When you did not do unto the least of these, you did not do unto me.” Jesus follows in the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke chapter 10 by saying that the priest walked right by the man in need, the church member walked around the man in need, but a man who was not expected to help, is the one who actually went above and beyond to help. Loving our neighbors requires more than prayer. It requires a great action from the real church – the doers!

We aren’t the team that walks away wishing we could do more. We are the team that goes to work harder so we can do more. We’ve had our boots on the ground, gathered the data and have created a system that will cover the needs of every child in over 12 different villages from the middle east and Africa. Tens of thousands of children! One call to our cable company threatening to cancel, or cooking at home instead of the drive-through for just one meal gives us the savings needed to take care of every major need of a child who is otherwise hopeless.